Welcome to the Wabi-Sabi way of living

Living beyond chronic illness isn’t simple. We approach healing from a new perspective.

Wabi-sabi is most often used to describe art forms. It is about imperfection; about appreciating things all the more because you know that they are transitory and will pass and that nothing on earth is forever. Wabi sabi embraces anything that reminds the viewer of the natural world. It spurns uniformity for what is asymmetrical and rough. Flaws and imperfections are important parts of an elegant whole as they are symbols of the journey on our path to imperfect perfection.

What is Wabi-Sabi?

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A Native American Life

A Native American Life

So many of us carry trauma with us, especially sensitive hearts. We protect ourselves by wrapping up the trauma or pain in a blanket and tucking it deep inside without even realizing it. What if you carried that tucked-away trauma for lifetimes. Well, many of the sessions I have had relate to trauma tucked away […]

broth stock


Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAP Syndrome or GAPS) is a condition establishing a connection between the functions of the digestive system and the  brain. This term was coined by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (human nutrition) in 2004 after working with hundreds of children and adults with neurological and psychiatric conditions, such as autistic spectrum disorders, […]


Calm and Rest Supplements

Keeping our cool not only feels better, but it helps us sleep better and we can also work to balance our fight response and kick it into rest and relax. There is scientific evidence showing that meditation actually changes the brain. There is also evidence showing that calming the nervous system can affect the immune […]

dry earth

Scattered Path

By ©Anne Goggans You might think yourself strong Made of stone With integral permanent strength Yet damaged, cracks crumble Bits of you Fall and scatter Chip, crack, disburse As the driest earth flakes, shed Just debris now These glimpses into a past no longer known All but gone A jumbled pile Then just a pebble […]

Anne Goggans

Who is Anne

This is my one long article. It whooshes over everything. don’t feel you need to read it all, but I know it will speak to someone. Who is this crazy woman writing this blog about chronic illness recovery? Why is she bothering to do this? What does she know about it anyway? Well, I know […]