The Convoluted Universe, Book Four

Dolores Cannon (Author), Bethany Elam (Narrator), Steven Barnett (Narrator), Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. (Publisher)


Dolores Cannon continues her popular Convoluted Universe series. The long awaited Book Four is now available! It continues to explore unknown metaphysical theories and concepts, and introduces new ideas that challenge traditional ways of thinking. These books are designed for those who want their minds bent like pretzels. By opening up new ways of looking at our world and our reality, the reader is able to create a new consciousness that is needed in our time now.

More information about the spirit side – where we go after we “die”. The life reviews and preparing contracts and your life plan of what you hope to accomplish on your return to Earth.
Murders and Suicides
Lives as other creatures besides humans
Living all your lives – past, present, future – simultaneously.
Unknown information about DNA: changing DNA and the Color of DNA
The Role of HIV/AIDS in the raising of the consciousness
The veil between other dimensions is thinning allowing us to “see” and our psychic abilities are becoming more manifest
The activation of a new powerful energy to be used in this time of transformation
Time portals and dimensions
The creation of planets, and the formation of life on Earth
The reuniting of all the fragments of the soul
The unfamiliar concept of the Back Drop People
And much more!

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